27: Module 12- Managing Processes Last updated Mar 16, 2021 Save as PDF 26.8: Reading- Today’s HRM Challenges 27.1: Why It Matters- Managing Processes Page ID45315 ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 27.1: Why It Matters- Managing Processes27.2: Introduction to Operations Management27.3: Operations Management27.4: Operations Management in the Service Industry27.5: Introduction to Production Processes27.6: Project- or Job-Based Production27.7: Batch Production27.8: Mass Production27.9: Introduction to Production Planning27.10: Facility Location and Layout27.11: Materials Planning and Inventory Control27.12: Scheduling Tools27.13: Introduction to New Technologies27.14: New Technologies27.15: Introduction to Supply Chain Management and Logistics27.16: Supply Chain Management and Logistics27.17: Introduction to Quality Assurance27.18: Quality Assurance27.19: Putting It Together- Managing Processes27.20: Discussion- More Than Just Baking Treats27.21: Discussion- How Things Are Made27.22: Assignment- From Kitchen Baker to Operations Manager27.23: Assignment- The Malcolm Baldridge Award