7: Human Resource Management Last updated Jul 24, 2023 Save as PDF 6.14: Current Trends in Organization and Job Design 7.1: Introduction to Employee Development and Performance Evaluations Page ID47566 Lumen LearningLumen Learning ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 7.1: Introduction to Employee Development and Performance Evaluations7.2: Employee Development and Performance Evaluations7.3: Introduction to Employee Compensation, Incentive, and Benefits Strategies7.4: Employee Compensation, Incentive, and Benefits Strategies7.5: Introduction to Employee Separation and Termination7.6: Employee Separation and Termination7.7: Introduction to Current Trends and Challenges in HR Management7.8: Current Trends and Challenges in HR Management7.9: Putting It Together- Human Resource Management7.10: Assignment- Hiring at Sun City Boards7.11: Why It Matters- Human Resource Management7.12: Assignment- Memo to Costco’s CEO7.13: Discussion- Temporary Workers at Sun City Boards7.14: Discussion- Show Me the Benefits7.15: Introduction to Purpose of Human Resource Management7.16: Purpose of Human Resource Management7.17: Introduction to Laws Affecting Human Resource Practices7.18: Laws Affecting Human Resource Practices7.19: Introduction to Recruiting and Selecting Qualified Job Applicants7.20: Recruiting and Selecting Qualified Job Applicants7.21: Introduction to Employee Orientation and Training7.22: Employee Orientation and Training