8: Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales Last updated Nov 23, 2020 Save as PDF 7.11: Suggested Resources 8.0: Prelude to Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales Page ID50804 Michael Laverty and Chris Littel et al.OpenStax ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 8.0: Prelude to Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales8.1: Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix8.2: Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market8.3: Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs8.4: Entrepreneurial Branding8.5: Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan8.6: Sales and Customer Service8.7: Key Terms8.8: Summary8.9: Review Questions8.10: Discussion Questions8.11: Case Questions8.12: Suggested Resources