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Business LibreTexts

Book: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit (Swanson)

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This book is designed for upper year undergraduate students and graduate students studying fundamental entrepreneurship concepts. The business world is often equated to an ecosystem: the environment is comprised of interacting organizations and individuals much like the biological ecosystem (Moore, 1993). Entrepreneurship is no different, as it can be thought of as its own ecosystem, with new ventures being created, maturing, needing to adapt, or becoming extinct. Much like the biological ecosystem, in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, change occurs and gives rise to opportunity or presents challenges. It is important to consider the various levels of the ecosystem when evaluating the entrepreneurial environment. For example, the ecosystems can be analyzed at a macro level such as the terrestrial ecosystem in biology or the national economy in entrepreneurship. Additionally, ecosystems can be analyzed at more micro levels like the rain forest ecosystem in biology or the firm level in entrepreneurship.

Thumbnail: Business time (Unsplash License; Marten Bjork via Unsplash)

This page titled Book: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit (Swanson) is shared under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Lee A. Swanson via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform.

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