What role does market structure (concentration, consolidation,
conglomeration) play in the banking industry’s profitability?
Despite their best innovation efforts, banks have been steadily
losing market share as sources of loans to nonfinancial borrowers.
In the 1970s, commercial banks and other depository institutions
(the so-called thrifts—credit unions, savings and loans, savings
banks) controlled over 60 percent of that market. Today, they have
only about a third. The market for loans to nonfinancial borrowers
grew very quickly over the last quarter century, however, so that
decline is a relative one only. Banks are still extremely
profitable, so much so that many new banks form each year. But
bankers have to work harder than ever for those profits; the good
old days of traditional banking and the 3-6-3 rule are long
gone. Fees and other off-balance-sheet activities now account
for almost half of bank income, up from about 7 percent in 1980.
The traditional source of profit, the spread between the cost of
liabilities and the returns on assets, has steadily eroded from
both ends.
As noted above, the interest rates that banks could pay on
deposits were capped (under so-called Regulation Q) at 0 for
checking deposits and about 6 percent on time deposits. (The hope
was that, if they faced limited competition for funds, banks would
be safer.) Until the Great Inflation, bankers loved the caps
because they limited competition for deposits. When interest rates
rose enough to cause disintermediation, to cause funds to flow out
of banks to higher-yielding investments like money market mutual
funds, bankers lobbied for an end to the interest rate restrictions
and their request was granted in the 1980s. Since then, banks have
had to compete with each other as well as with money market mutual
funds for deposits. Unsurprisingly, banks’ gross spreads have
eroded, anddeposits have become relatively less important
as sources of funds.
On the asset side, banks can’t charge as much for loans,
ceteris paribus, as they once did because they face increasingly
stiff competition from the commercial paper and bond markets,
especially the so-called junk bond market. Now, instead of
having to cozy up to a bank, smaller and riskier companies can sell
bonds directly to investors. Issuing bonds incurs costs besides
interest charges—namely, mandatory information disclosure and
constant feedback from investors on the issuing firm’s performance
via its bond prices—but companies are willing to bear those costs
if they can get a better interest rate than banks offer.
As mentioned above, securitization has also hurt banks by
giving rise to numerous small lenders that basically sell every
loan they originate. Such companies can be efficient at
smaller scale because they do not have to attract and retain
deposits or engage in more sophisticated asset and liability
management techniques. All they have to do is originate loans and
sell them to investors, using the proceeds to make new loans.
Finance companies especially have eaten into banks’ market share in
commercial lending, and a slew of specialized mortgage lenders made
major inroads into the home mortgage market. What is good for the
goose, as they say, is good for the gander.www.bartleby.com/59/3/whatsgoodfor.html
As a result of those competitive pressures, many banks
exited the business, some by going bankrupt, others by merging with
larger institutions. The banking crisis of the 1980s enabled
bankers and regulators to make further reforms, including greatly
easing restrictions on branch banking and investment banking
(securities) activities. In 1933, at the nadir of the Great
Depression, commercial (receiving deposits and making loans) and
investment banking activities (underwriting securities offerings)
were strictly separated by legislation usually called
Glass-Steagall, after the congressional members who cooked it up.
The gradual de facto erosion of Glass-Steagall in the late 1980s
and 1990s (by means of bank holding companies and a sympathetic
Federal Reserve) and its de jure elimination in 1999 allowed
investment and commercial banks to merge and to engage in each
other’s activities. Due to those and other regulatory changes,
usually called deregulation, and the decline of traditional
banking, banks began to merge in large numbers, a process called
consolidation, and began to enter into nonbanking financial
activities, like insurance, a process called conglomeration.
Figure 10.4 "Number of FDIC commercial banks, year-end,
1980–2010" and Figure 10.5 "U.S. banks:
return on equity, 1935–2010"show, consolidation and
conglomeration have left the nation with fewer but larger and more
profitable (and ostensibly more efficient) banks. Due to the
demise of Glass-Steagall, conglomerate banks can now more easily
tap economies of scope, the ability to use a single resource to
supply numerous products or services. For example, banks can now
use the information they create about borrowers to offer loans or
securities underwriting and can use branches to schlep insurance.
Consolidation has also allowed banks to diversify their risks
geographically and to tap economies of scale. That is important
because minimum efficient scale may have increased in recent
decades due to the high initial costs of employing the latest and
greatest computer and telecommunications technologies. Larger banks
may be safer than smaller ones, ceteris paribus, because they have
more diversified loan portfolios and more stable deposit bases.
Unlike most small banks, large ones are not reliant on the economic
fortunes of one city or company, or even one country or economic
The Federal Reserve labels the entities that have arisen from
the recent wave of mergers large, complex banking organizations
(LCBOs) or large, complex financial institutions (LCFIs). Those
names, though, also point to the costs of the new regime.
Consolidation may have made banks and other financial
institutions too big, complex, and politically potent to regulate
effectively. Also, to justify their merger activities to
shareholders, many banks have increased their profitability, not by
becoming more efficient, but by taking on higher levels of
risk. Finally, conglomerates may be able to engage in many
different activities, thereby diversifying their revenues and
risks, but they may not do any of them very well, thereby actually
increasing the risk of failure. A combination of consolidation,
conglomeration, and concentration helped to trigger a systemic
financial crisis acute enough to negatively affect the national and
world economies.
Today, the U.S. banking industry is far more concentrated
than during most of its past. In other words, a few large
banks have a larger share of assets, deposits, and capital than
ever before. That may in turn give those banks considerable market
power, the ability to charge more for loans and to pay less for
Figure 10.6 "Concentration in the U.S. banking sector,
1984–2010" shows the increase in the industry’s
Herfindahl index, which is a measure of market
concentration calculated by taking the sum of the squares of the
market shares of each firm in a particular industry. Whether scaled
between 0 and 1 or 0 and 10,000, the Herfindahl index is low (near
zero) if an industry is composed of numerous small firms, and it is
high (near 1 or 10,000) the closer an industry is to monopoly (1 ×
1 = 1; 100 × 100 = 10,000). While the Herfindahl index of the U.S.
banking sector has increased markedly in recent years, thousands of
small banks keep the national index from reaching 1,800, the magic
number that triggers greater antitrust scrutiny by the Justice
Department. At the end of 2006, for example, 3,246 of the nation’s
7,402 commercial banks had assets of less than $100 million.
Another 3,662 banks had assets greater than $100 million but less
than $1 billion, leaving only 494 banks with assets over $1
Those 500 or so big banks, however, control the vast bulk of the
industry’s assets (and hence liabilities and capital too). As
Figure 10.7
shows, the nation’s ten largest banks are rapidly gaining market
share. Nevertheless, U.S. banking is still far less
concentrated than the banking sectors of most other countries.
In Canada, for example, the commercial bank Herfindahl index hovers
around 1,600, and in Colombia and Chile, the biggest five banks
make more than 60 percent of all loans. The United States is such a
large country and banking, despite the changes wrought by the
Information Revolution, is still such a local business that certain
regions have levels of concentration high enough that some fear
that banks there are earning quasi-monopoly rents, the high profits
associated with oligopolistic and monopolistic market structures.
The good news is that bank entry is fairly easy, so if banks become
too profitable in some regions, new banks will form to compete with
them, bringing the Herfindahl index, n-firm concentration ratios,
and ultimately bank profits back in line. Since the mid-1980s,
scores to hundreds of new banks, called de novo banks, began
operation in the United States each year.
Stop and Think Box
In 2003, Canada was home to the banks (and a handful of small
ones that can be safely ignored) listed in the following chart. How
concentrated was the Canadian banking sector as measured by the
five-firm concentration ratio? The Herfindahl index?
The five-firm concentration ratio is calculated simply by
summing the market shares of the five largest banks:
So the five-bank concentration ratio (for assets) in Canada in
2003 was 86 percent.
The Herfindahl index is calculated by summing the squares of the
market shares of each bank:
So the Herfindahl index for bank assets in Canada in 2003 was
Starting a new bank is not as difficult as it sounds.
About twenty or so incorporators need to put about $50,000 each at
risk for the year or two it takes to gain regulatory approval. They
must then subscribe at least the same amount in a private placement
of stock that provides the bank with some of its capital. The new
bank can then begin operations, usually with two branches, one in
an asset-rich area, the other in a deposit-rich one. Consultants
like Dan Hudson of NuBank.com help new banks to form and begin
operations.www.nubank.com Due to the ease of creating new
banks and regulations that effectively cap the size of megabanks,
the handful of U.S. banks with over $1 trillion of assets, many
observers think that the U.S. banking sector will remain
competitive, composed of numerous small banks, a few (dozen, even
score) megabanks, and hundreds of large regional players. The small
and regional banks will survive by exploiting geographical and
specialized niches, like catering to depositors who enjoy
interacting with live people instead of machines. Small banks also
tend to lend to small businesses, of which America has many.
Despite funny television commercials to the contrary, large banks
will also lend to small businesses, but smaller, community banks
are often better at it because they know more about local markets
and borrowers and hence can better assess their business
The United States also allows individuals to establish other
types of depository institutions, including savings and loan
associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions. Few new
savings banks are created, and many existing ones have taken
commercial bank charters or merged with commercial banks, but new
credit union formation is fairly brisk. Credit unions are mutual
(that is, owned by depositors rather than shareholders) depository
institutions organized around a group of people who share a common
bond, like the same employer. They are tax-exempt and historically
quite small. Recently, regulators have allowed them to expand so
that they can maintain minimum efficient scale and diversify their
asset portfolios more widely.
The U.S. banking industry is also increasingly international in
scope. Thus, foreign banks can enter the U.S. market relatively
easily. Today, foreign banks hold more than 10 percent of
total U.S. bank assets and make more than 16 percent of loans to
U.S. corporations. Foreign banks can buy U.S. banks or they can
simply establish branches in the United States. Foreign banks used
to be subject to less stringent regulations than domestic banks,
but that was changed in 1978. Increasingly, bank regulations
worldwide have converged.
The internationalization of banking also means that U.S.
banks can operate in other countries. To date, about 100 U.S.
banks have branches abroad, up from just eight in 1960.
International banking has grown along with international trade and
foreign direct investment. International banking is also a way to
diversify assets, tap markets where spreads are larger than in the
United States, and get a piece of the Eurodollar market.
Eurodollars are dollar-denominated deposits in foreign banks that
help international businesses to conduct trade and banks to avoid
reserve requirements and other taxing regulations and capital
controls. London, Singapore, and the Cayman Islands are the main
centers for Eurodollars and, not surprisingly, favorite locations
for U.S. banks to establish overseas branches. To help finance
trade, U.S. banks also have a strong presence elsewhere,
particularly in East Asia and in Latin America.
The nature of banking in the United States and abroad is
changing, apparently converging on the European, specifically the
British, model. In some countries in continental Europe, like
Germany and Switzerland, so-called universal banks that offer
commercial and investment banking services and insurance prevail.
In other countries, like Great Britain and its commonwealth
members, full-blown financial conglomerates are less common, but
most banks engage in both commercial and investment banking
activities. Meanwhile, foreign securities markets are modeling
themselves after American markets, growing larger and more
sophisticated. Increasingly, the world’s financial system is
becoming one. That should make it more efficient, but it also
raises fears of financial catastrophe, a point to which we shall
Industry consolidation is measured by the number of banks in
existence at a given time.
As the number of banks declines (because mergers and
bankruptcies exceed new bank formation), the industry is said to
become more consolidated. It is important because a more
consolidated industry may be safer and more profitable as smaller,
weaker institutions are swallowed up by larger, stronger ones.
However, consolidation can also lead to higher costs for
consumers and borrowers and poorer service.
Bigger banks are likely to be more diversified than smaller
ones, but they might also take on higher levels of risk, thereby
threatening the stability of the financial system.
Conglomeration refers to the scope of activities that a bank or
other financial intermediary is allowed to engage in.
Traditionally, U.S. banks could engage in commercial banking
activities or investment banking activities, but not both, and they
could not sell or underwrite insurance. Due to recent regulatory
changes, however, banks and other financial intermediaries and
facilitators like brokerages can now merge into the same company or
exist under the same holding company umbrella.
This deregulation may increase competition for financial
intermediaries, thereby driving innovation. It could also lead,
however, to the creation of financial conglomerates that are too
large and complex to regulate adequately.
Industry concentration is a proxy for competition and is
measured by the n-firm concentration of assets (revenues, capital,
etc., where n is 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, etc.) or by the
Herfindahl index, the sum of the square of the market shares (again
for assets, deposits, revenues, capital, etc.) of each company in
the industry or in a given city, state, or region.
Concentration is important because a highly concentrated
industry may be less competitive, leading to less innovation,
higher costs for borrowers, outsized profits for suppliers (in this
case banks), and a more fragile (prone to systemic crisis) banking
On the other hand, as banking has grown more concentrated,
individual banks have become more geographically diversified, which
may help them to better weather economic downturns.