What problems do asymmetric information and, more specifically,
adverse selection cause and how can they be mitigated?
Adverse selection is precontractual asymmetric information.
It occurs because the riskiest potential borrowers and insureds
have the greatest incentive to obtain a loan or insurance.
The classic case of adverse selection, the one that brought
the phenomenonbackClassical economists like Adam
Smith recognized adverse selection and asymmetric information more
generally, but they did not label or stress the concepts.to the
attention of economists in 1970, is the market for “lemons,” which
is to say, breakdown-prone automobiles. The lemons story, with
appropriate changes, applies to everything from horses to bonds, to
lemons (the fruit), to construction services. That is because the
lemons story is a simple but powerful one. People who offer lemons
for sale know that their cars stink. Most people looking to buy
cars, though, can’t tell that a car is prone to breakdown. They
might kick the tires, take it for a short spin, look under the
hood, etc., all without discovering the truth. The seller has
superior information and indeed has an incentive to increase the
asymmetry by putting a Band-Aid over any obvious problems. (He
might, for example, warm the car up thoroughly before showing it,
put top-quality gasoline in the tank, clean up the oil spots in the
driveway, and so forth.) He may even explain that the car was owned
by his poor deceased grandmother, who used it only to drive to
church on Sundays (for services) and Wednesdays (for bingo), and
that she took meticulous care of it. The hapless buyer, the story
goes, offers the average price for used cars of the particular
make, model, year, and mileage for sale. The seller happily
(and greedily if you want to be moralistic about it) accepts. A
day, week, month, or year later, the buyers learns that he has
overpaid, that the automobile he purchased is a lemon. He
complains to his relatives, friends, and neighbors, many of whom
tell similar horror stories. A consensus emerges that all used cars
are lemons.
Of course, some used cars are actually “peaches,” very reliable
means of personal transportation. The problem is that owners of
peaches can’t credibly inform buyers of the car’s quality. Oh, she
can say, truthfully, that the car was owned by her poor deceased
grandmother who used it only to drive to church on Sundays (for
services) and Wednesdays (for bingo) and that she took meticulous
care of it. But that sounds a lot like what the owner of the lemon
says too. (In fact, we just copied and pasted it from above!) So
the asymmetric information remains and the hapless buyer offers the
average price for used cars of the particular make, model, year,
and mileage for sale. (Another copy and paste job!) But this
time the seller, instead of accepting the offer, gets offended and
storms off (or at least declines). So the buyer’s relatives,
friends, and neighbors are half right—not all the used cars for
sale are lemons, but those that are bought are!
Now appears our hero, the used car dealer, who is literally a
dealer in the same sense a securities dealer is: he buys from
sellers at one (bid) price and then sells to buyers at a higher
(ask) price. He earns his profits or spread by facilitating the
market process by reducing asymmetric information. Relative to
the common person, he is an expert at assessing the true value of
used automobiles. (Or his operation is large enough that he can
hire such people and afford to pay them. See the transaction costs
section above.) So he pays more for peaches than lemons (ceteris
paribus, of course) and the used car market begins to function at a
much higher level of efficiency. Why is it, then, that the
stereotype of the used car salesman is not very complimentary? That
the guy in Figure
8.4 "Shady used car salesman" seems more typical than the
guy in
Figure 8.5?
Several explanations come to mind. The market for used car
dealers may be too competitive, leading to many failures, which
gives dealers incentives to engage in rent seeking (ripping off
customers) and disincentives to establish long-term relationships.
Or the market may not be competitive enough, perhaps due to high
barriers to entry. Because sellers and buyers have few choices,
dealers find that they can engage in sharp business
and still attract customers as long as they remain better than the
alternative, the nonfacilitated market. I think the latter more
likely because in recent years, many used car salesmen have
cleaned up their acts in the face of national competition from
the likes of AutoNation and similar companies.en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoNation
Moreover, CarFax.com and similar companies have reduced asymmetric
information by tracking vehicle damage using each car’s unique
vehicle identification number (VIN), making it easier for buyers to
reduce asymmetric information without the aid of a dealer.
What does this have to do with the financial system? Plenty, as
it turns out. As noted above, adverse selection applies to a wide
variety of markets and products, including financial ones. Let’s
suppose that, like our friend Mr. Knapp above, you have some money
to lend and the response to your advertisement is overwhelming.
Many borrowers are in the market. Information is asymmetric—you
can’t really tell who the safest borrowers are. So you decide to
ration the credit as if it were apples, by lowering the price you
are willing to give for their bonds (raising the interest rate on
the loan). Big mistake! As the interest rate increases (the sum
that the borrower/securities seller will accept for his IOU
decreases), the best borrowers drop out of the bidding. After all,
they know that their projects are safe, that they are the
equivalent of an automotive peach. People with riskier business
projects continue bidding until they too find the cost of borrowing
too high and bow out, leaving you to lend to some knave, to some
human lemon, at a very high rate of interest. That, our
friend, is adverse selection.
Adverse selection also afflicts the market for
insurance. Safe risks are not willing to pay much for
insurance because they know that the likelihood that they will
suffer a loss and make a claim is low. Risky people and companies,
by contrast, will pay very high rates for insurance because they
know that they will probably suffer a loss. Anyone offering
insurance on the basis of premium alone will end up with the stinky
end of the stick, just as the lender who rations on price alone
Like used car dealers, financial facilitators and
intermediaries seek to profit by reducing adverse selection.
They do so by specializing in discerning good from bad credit and
insurance risks. Their main weapon here is called screening and
it’s what all those forms and questions are about when you apply
for a loan or insurance policy. Potential lenders want to know
if you pay your bills on time, if your income minus expenses is
large and stable enough to service the loan, if you have any
collateral that might protect them from loss, and the like.
Potential insurers want to know if you have filed many insurance
claims in the past because that may indicate that you are clumsy;
not very careful with your possessions; or worse, a shyster who
makes a living filing insurance claims. They also want to know more
about the insured property so they don’t insure it for too much, a
sure inducement to start a fire or cause an accident. They also
need to figure out how much risk is involved, how likely a certain
type of car is to be totaled if involved in an
the probability of a wood-frame house burning to the ground in a
the chance of a Rolex watch being stolen, and so forth.
Stop and Think Box
Credit-protection insurance policies promise to make payments to
people who find themselves unemployed or incapacitated. Whenever
solicited to buy such insurance, I (Wright) always ask how the
insurer overcomes adverse selection because there are never any
applications or premium schedules, just one fixed rate. Why do I
I care because I’m a peach of a person. I know that if I lived a
more dangerous lifestyle or was employed in a more volatile
industry that I’d snap the policy right up. Given my current
situation, however, I don’t think it very likely that I will become
unemployed or incapacitated, so I don’t feel much urgency to buy
such a policy at the same rate as some guy or gal who’s about to go
skydiving instead of going to work. I don’t want to subsidize them
or to deal with a company that doesn’t know the first thing about
Financial intermediaries are not perfect screeners. They
often make mistakes. Insurers like State Farm, for example,
underestimated the likelihood of a massive storm like Katrina
striking the Gulf Coast. And subprime mortgage lenders, companies
that lend to risky borrowers on the collateral of their homes,
grossly miscalculated the likelihood that their borrowers would
default. Competition between lenders and insurers induces them to
lower their screening standards to make the sale. (In a famous
cartoon in the Wall Street Journal, a clearly nonplussed
father asks a concerned mom how their son’s imaginary friend got
preapproved for a credit card.) At some point, though, adverse
selection always rears its ugly head, forcing lenders and insurance
providers to improve their screening procedures and tighten their
standards once again. And, on average, they do much better than you
or I acting alone could do.
Another way of reducing adverse selection is the private
production and sale of information. Before the 1970s,
companies like Standard and Poor’s, Bests, Duff and Phelps,
Fitch’s, and Moody’s compiled and analyzed data on companies, rated
the riskiness of their bonds, and then sold that information to
investors in huge books. The free-rider problem,
though, killed off that business model. Specifically, the advent of
cheap photocopying induced people to buy the books, photocopy them,
and sell them at a fraction of the price that the bond-rating
agencies could charge. (The free riders had to pay only the
variable costs of publication; the rating agencies had to pay the
large fixed costs of compiling and analyzing the data.) So in the
mid-1970s, the bond-rating agencies began to give their ratings
away to investors and instead charged bond issuers for the
privilege of being rated. The new model greatly decreased the
effectiveness of the ratings because the new arrangement quickly
led to rating inflation similar to grade inflation. (Pleasure flows
with the cash. Instead of pleasing investors, the agencies started
to please the issuers.) After every major financial crisis,
including the subprime mortgage mess of 2007, academics and former
government regulators lambaste credit-rating agencies for their
poor performance relative to markets and point out the incentive
flaws built into their business model. Thus far, little has
changed, but encrypted databases might allow a return to the
investor-pay model. But then another form of free riding would
arise as investors who did not subscribe to the database would
observe and mimic the trades of those investors known to have
subscriptions. Due to the free-rider problem inherent in
markets, banks and other financial intermediaries have incentives
to create private information about borrowers and people who are
insured. This helps to explain why they trump bond and stock
Adverse selection can also be reduced by contracting with groups
instead of individuals. Insurers, for example, offer group health
and life insurance policies to employers because doing so reduces
adverse selection. Chronically or terminally ill people usually do
not seek employment, so the riskiest part of the population is
excluded from the insurance pool. Moreover, it is easier for
insurers to predict how many claims a group of people will submit
over some period of time than to predict the probability that a
specific individual will make a claim. Life expectancy
tables,www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html for
example, accurately predict how many people will die in a given
year but not which particular individuals will perish.
Governments can no more legislate away adverse selection
than they can end scarcity by decree. They can, however, give
markets and intermediaries a helping hand. In the United
States, for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
tries to ensure that corporations provide market participants with
accurate and timely information about themselves, reducing the
information asymmetry between themselves and potential bond- and
Like sellers of lemons, however, bad companies often outfox the SEC
(and similar regulators in other countries) and investors,
especially when said investors place too much confidence in
government regulators. In 2001, for example, a high-flying energy
trading company named Enron suddenly encountered insurmountable
financial difficulties and was forced to file for bankruptcy, the
largest in American history at that time. Few saw Enron’s implosion
coming because the company hid its debt and losses in a maze of
offshore shell companies and other accounting smokescreens. Some
dumbfounded investors hadn’t bothered watching the energy giant
because they believed the government was doing it for them. It
Asymmetric information decreases the efficiency of financial
markets, thereby reducing the flow of funds to entrepreneurs and
injuring the real economy.
Adverse selection is precontractual asymmetric
It can be mitigated by screening out high-risk members of the
applicant pool.
Financial market facilitators can also become expert
specialists and attain minimum efficient scale, but financial
markets are hampered by the free-rider problem.
In short, few firms find it profitable to produce information
because it is easy for others to copy and profit from it. Banks and
other intermediaries, by contrast, create proprietary information
about their borrowers and people they insure.