International Business (Lumen)
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International business is the exchange of goods, services, technology, capital, or knowledge across national borders. It can include: (1) Selling goods and services between countries, (2) Producing goods overseas and selling them domestically, (3) Outsourcing services to cheaper locations, (4) Transferring people, intellectual property, or contractual assets. International business can benefit the global economy, but it also comes with risks, such as: Language and cultural barriers, Currency exchange rates, and Foreign politics and policies
Front Matter
1: It’s a Small World
2: Trade Theory, from Mercantilism to Free Trade
3: Different Strokes …. Political and Economic Systems Around the Globe
4: “That’s Not How We do it Back Home”… Cultural Systems Around the Globe
5: Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse- Ethical and Legal Issues in Global Business
6: Is “Free Trade” Really Free? The Political Challenges of Operating in a Global Market
7: “Got NAFTA?” … Regional Economic Integration
8: Does the World Bank have an ATM? Understanding the International Monetary System
9: How Many Euros to the Dollar? Exploring Foreign Exchange Markets
10: Buying a “Big Mac” in London- Foreign Direct Investment
11: I’m from the IMF and I’m Here to Help- Global Organizations for Global Business
12: A Game Plan for “Going Global” …. Developing a Corporate Strategy
13: How do you get from “Here” to “There” … Strategies for Entering Foreign Markets
14: Getting a Widget to Timbuktu- The Logistics of Global Business
15: Erecting a Billboard in Tiananmen Square- Global Marketing
Back Matter
Thumbnail: Wai Tan, Shanghai, China; Unsplash License; Li Yang via Unsplash)