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  • https://biz.libretexts.org/Courses/Southwestern_Community_College/BUS-121%3A_Principles_of_Money_Management/04%3A_Cash_Management-_Savings_and_Payment_Services/4.02%3A_Your_Own_Money-_Savings
    The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among...The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among the accounts offered to you is the price that your liquidity earns, or the compensation for your opportunity cost and risk, which in turn depends on the degree of liquidity that you are willing to give up.
  • https://biz.libretexts.org/Courses/Kansas_State_University/PFP_105%3A_Introduction_to_Personal_Financial_Planning/07%3A_Financial_Management/7.02%3A_Your_Own_Money-_Savings
    The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among...The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among the accounts offered to you is the price that your liquidity earns, or the compensation for your opportunity cost and risk, which in turn depends on the degree of liquidity that you are willing to give up.
  • https://biz.libretexts.org/Courses/Coastline_College/Personal_Finance_v2/07%3A_Financial_Management/7.03%3A_Your_Own_Money-_Savings
    The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among...The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among the accounts offered to you is the price that your liquidity earns, or the compensation for your opportunity cost and risk, which in turn depends on the degree of liquidity that you are willing to give up.
  • https://biz.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Finance/Individual_Finance/07%3A_Financial_Management/7.02%3A_Your_Own_Money-_Savings
    The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among...The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among the accounts offered to you is the price that your liquidity earns, or the compensation for your opportunity cost and risk, which in turn depends on the degree of liquidity that you are willing to give up.
  • https://biz.libretexts.org/Courses/Southwestern_Community_College/BUS-121%3A_Principles_of_Money_Management/05%3A_Consumer_Credit/5.02%3A_Your_Own_Money-_Savings
    The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among...The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among the accounts offered to you is the price that your liquidity earns, or the compensation for your opportunity cost and risk, which in turn depends on the degree of liquidity that you are willing to give up.
  • https://biz.libretexts.org/Courses/Prince_Georges_Community_College/BMT_1620%3A_FINANCIAL_PLANNING_AND_INVESTMENTS_(COOKS_2021)/07%3A_Financial_Management/7.02%3A_Your_Own_Money-_Savings
    The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among...The price that you can get for your money has to do with supply and demand for liquidity in the market, which in turn has to do with a host of other macroeconomic factors. The primary difference among the accounts offered to you is the price that your liquidity earns, or the compensation for your opportunity cost and risk, which in turn depends on the degree of liquidity that you are willing to give up.

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