How do managers cope effectively with organizational
Closely related to the concept of power is the equally important
topic of politics. In any discussion of the exercise of
power—particularly in intergroup situations—a knowledge of basic
political processes is essential. We will begin our discussion with
this in mind. Next, on the basis of this analysis, we will consider
political strategies for acquiring, maintaining, and using power in
intergroup relations. Finally, we look at ways to limit the impact
of political behavior in organizations.
What Is Politics?
Perhaps the earliest definition of politics was offered by
Lasswell, who described it as who gets what, when, and how. Even
from this simple definition, one can see that politics involves the
resolution of differing preferences in conflicts over the
allocation of scarce and valued resources. Politics represents one
mechanism to solve allocation problems when other mechanisms, such
as the introduction of new information or the use of a simple
majority rule, fail to apply. For our purposes here, we will adopt
Pfeffer’s definition of politics as involving “those activities
taken within organizations to acquire, develop, and use power and
other resources to obtain one’s preferred outcomes in a situation
in which there is uncertainty or dissensus about choices.”
In comparing the concept of politics with the related concept of
power, Pfeffer notes:
If power is a force, a store of potential influence through
which events can be affected, politics involves those activities or
behaviors through which power is developed and used in
organizational settings. Power is a property of the system at rest;
politics is the study of power in action. An individual, subunit or
department may have power within an organizational context at some
period of time; politics involves the exercise of power to get
something accomplished, as well as those activities which are
undertaken to expand the power already possessed or the scope over
which it can be exercised.
In other words, from this definition it is clear that political
behavior is activity that is initiated for the purpose of
overcoming opposition or resistance. In the absence of opposition,
there is no need for political activity. Moreover, it should be
remembered that political activity need not necessarily be
dysfunctional for organization-wide effectiveness. In fact, many
managers often believe that their political actions on behalf of
their own departments are actually in the best interests of the
organization as a whole. Finally, we should note that politics,
like power, is not inherently bad. In many instances, the survival
of the organization depends on the success of a department or
coalition of departments challenging a traditional but outdated
policy or objective. That is why an understanding of organizational
politics, as well as power, is so essential for managers.
Intensity of Political Behavior
Contemporary organizations are highly political entities.
Indeed, much of the goal-related effort produced by an organization
is directly attributable to political processes. However, the
intensity of political behavior varies, depending upon many
factors. For example, in one study, managers were asked to rank
several organizational decisions on the basis of the extent to
which politics were involved. Results showed that the most
political decisions (in rank order) were those involving
interdepartmental coordination, promotions and transfers, and the
delegation of authority. Such decisions are typically characterized
by an absence of established rules and procedures and a reliance on
ambiguous and subjective criteria.
On the other hand, the managers in the study ranked as least
political such decisions as personnel policies, hiring, and
disciplinary procedures. These decisions are typically
characterized by clearly established policies, procedures, and
objective criteria.
On the basis of findings such as these, it is possible to
develop a typology of when political behavior would generally be
greatest and least. This model is shown in Figure
\(\PageIndex{1}\). As can be seen, we would expect the greatest
amount of political activity in situations characterized by high
uncertainty and complexity and high competition among employees or
groups for scarce resources. The least politics would be expected
under conditions of low uncertainty and complexity and little
competition among employees over resources.
Reasons for Political Behavior
Following from the above model, we can identify at least five
conditions conducive to political behavior in organizations. These
are shown in Table \(\PageIndex{1}\), along with possible resulting
behaviors. The conditions include the following:
Ambiguous goals. When the goals of a department or
organization are ambiguous, more room is available for politics. As
a result, members may pursue personal gain under the guise of
pursuing organizational goals.
Limited resources. Politics surfaces when resources
are scarce and allocation decisions must be made. If resources were
ample, there would be no need to use politics to claim one’s
Changing technology and environment. In general,
political behavior is increased when the nature of the internal
technology is nonroutine and when the external environment is
dynamic and complex. Under these conditions, ambiguity and
uncertainty are increased, thereby triggering political behavior by
groups interested in pursuing certain courses of action.
Nonprogrammed decisions. A distinction is made between
programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. When decisions are not
programmed, conditions surrounding the decision problem and the
decision process are usually more ambiguous, which leaves room for
political maneuvering. Programmed decisions, on the other hand, are
typically specified in such detail that little room for maneuvering
exists. Hence, we are likely to see more political behavior on
major questions, such as long-range strategic planning
Organizational change. Periods of organizational
change also present opportunities for political rather than
rational behavior. Efforts to restructure a particular department,
open a new division, introduce a new product line, and so forth,
are invitations to all to join the political process as different
factions and coalitions fight over territory.
Because most organizations today have scarce resources,
ambiguous goals, complex technologies, and sophisticated and
unstable external environments, it seems reasonable to conclude
that a large proportion of contemporary organizations are highly
political in nature. As a result, contemporary managers must be
sensitive to political processes as they relate to the acquisition
and maintenance of power in organizations. This brings up the
question of why we have policies and standard operating procedures
(SOPs) in organizations. Actually, such policies are frequently
aimed at reducing the extent to which politics influence a
particular decision. This effort to encourage more “rational”
decisions in organizations was a primary reason behind Max Weber’s
development of the bureaucratic model. That is, increases in the
specification of policy statements often are inversely related to
political efforts, as shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). This is
true primarily because such actions reduce the uncertainties
surrounding a decision and hence the opportunity for political
Conditions Conducive to Political
Prevailing Conditions
Resulting Political Behaviors
Ambiguous goals
Attempts to define goals to one’s advantage
Limited resources
Fight to maximize one’s share of resources
Dynamic technology and environment
Attempts to exploit uncertainty for personal gain
Nonprogrammed decisions
Attempts to make suboptimal decisions that favor personal ends
Organizational change
Attempts to use reorganization as a chance to pursue own interests
and goals
Table \(\PageIndex{1}\) (Attribution: Copyright Rice
University, OpenStax, under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license)
managerial Leadership
Technology, Innovation, and Politics in Performance
Developing a strategy for a performance appraisal is an important
step for any company, and keeping out political bias is a main
concern as well. Unfortunately, many times there is no way around
bringing some bias into a performance appraisal situation. Managers
often think of the impact that their review will have on the
employee, how it will affect their relationship, and what it means
for their career in the future. There are a lot of games played in
the rating process and whether managers admit it or not, they may
be guilty of playing them. Many companies, such as Adobe, are
looking at ways that they can revamp the process to eliminate
potential biases and make evaluations fairer.
In 2012, Adobe transformed its business, changing its product
cycle; while undergoing process changes, Adobe understood that
there needed to be a cultural shift as well. It announced the
“Check-in” review process to allow for faster feedback, as well as
an end to their outdated annual review process. With the
faster-paced reality of their product cycles and subscription-based
model in technology, this made complete sense.
This process established a new way of thinking, allowing for
two-way communication to become the norm between managers and
employees. They were able to have frequent candid conversations,
approaching the tough subjects in order make improvements rather
than waiting until an annual review and letting bad performance go
unchecked or good performance go unnoticed. Eliminating a
once-a-year cycle of review also eliminates the issue of politics
creeping into the process. Managers are able to think critically
about the performance, working alongside their employees to better
the outcome rather than worrying about having a tough conversation
and the bad result that may follow—and having to live with the
fallout. Employees also are given chances to provide feedback and
their own personal evaluation, which then is discussed with the
manager. They review the items together, and what is formally
submitted is agreed upon, rather than set in stone. The addition of
the employee feedback is another great way to reduce the insertion
of politics or bias in the review.
In result of this change, Adobe’s employees showed higher
engagement and satisfaction with their work, consistently
improving. They no longer had negative surprises in their annual
review and were able to adjust priorities and behaviors to become
more effective workers.
What are important considerations to eliminate potential political
bias in a performance review?
Why was Adobe successful in the changes that they implemented in
their performance review process?
What other positive outcomes could be achieved from an ongoing
feedback model versus annual performance review?
D. Morris, “Death of the Performance Review: How Adobe
Reinvented Performance Management and Transformed its Business,”
World at Work Journal, Second Quarter, 2016,
“How Adobe retired performance reviews and inspired great
performance,” Adobe website, accessed January 4, 2019,;
Up to this point, we have explained the related concepts of
power and politics primarily as they relate to interpersonal
behavior. When we shift our focus from the individual or
interpersonal to the intergroup level of analysis, the picture
becomes somewhat more complicated. In developing a portrait of how
political strategies are used to attain and maintain power in
intergroup relations, we will highlight two major aspects of the
topic. The first is the relationship between power and the control
of critical resources. The second is the relationship between power
and the control of critical resources where the second is the
relationship between power and the control of strategic activities.
Both will illustrate how subunit control leads to the acquisition
of power in organizational settings.
Power and the Control of Critical
On the basis of what has been called the resource dependence
model, we can analyze intergroup political behavior by examining
how critical resources are controlled and shared.21
That is, when one subunit of an organization (perhaps the
purchasing department) controls a scarce resource that is needed by
another subunit (for example, the power to decide what to buy and
what not to buy), that subunit acquires power. This power may be
over other subunits within the same organization or over subunits
in other organizations (for example, the marketing units of other
companies that are trying to sell to the first company). As such,
this unit is in a better position to bargain for the critical
resources it needs from its own or other organizations. Hence,
although all subunits may contribute something to the organization
as a whole, power allocation within the organization will be
influenced by the relative importance of the resources contributed
by each unit. To quote Salancik and Pfeffer,
Subunit power accrues to those departments that are most
instrumental in bringing or in providing resources which are highly
valued by the total organization. In turn, this power enables these
subunits to obtain more of those scarce and critical resources
allocated within the organization.
Stated succinctly, power derived from acquiring resources is
used to obtain more resources, which in turn can be employed to
produce more power—“the rich get richer.”22
To document their case, Salancik and Pfeffer carried out a major
study of university budget decisions. The results were clear. The
more clout a department had (measured in terms of the department’s
ability to secure outside grants and first-rate graduate students,
plus its national standing among comparable departments), the
easier it was for the department to secure additional university
resources. In other words, resources were acquired through
political processes, not rational ones.23
Power and the Control of Strategic
In addition to the control of critical resources, subunits can
also attain power by gaining control over activities that are
needed by others to complete their tasks. These critical activities
have been called strategic contingencies. A contingency is defined
by Miles as “a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is
affected by the activities of other subunits.”24
For example, the business office of most universities represents a
strategic contingency for the various colleges within the
university because it has veto or approval power over financial
expenditures of the schools. Its approval of a request to spend
money is far from certain. Thus, a contingency represents a source
of uncertainty in the decision-making process. A contingency
becomes strategic when it has the potential to alter the balance of
interunit or interdepartmental power in such a way that
interdependencies among the various units are changed.
Perhaps the best way to illustrate this is to consider the
example of power distribution in various organizations attempting
to deal with a major source of uncertainty—the external
environment. In a classic study by Lawrence and Lorsch, influence
patterns were examined for companies in three divergent industries:
container manufacturing, food processing, and plastics. It was
found that in successful firms, power distribution conformed to the
firm’s strategic contingencies. For example, in the
container-manufacturing companies, where the critical contingencies
were customer delivery and product quality, the major share of
power in decision-making resided in the sales and production
staffs. In contrast, in the food-processing firms, where the
strategic contingencies focused on expertise in marketing and food
sciences, major power rested in the sales and research units. In
other words, those who held power in the successful organizations
were in areas that were of central concern to the firm and its
survival at a particular time. The functional areas that were most
important for organizational success were under the control of the
decision makers. For less-successful firms, this congruence was not
The changing nature of strategic contingencies can be seen in
the evolution of power distribution in major public utilities. Many
years ago, when electric companies were developing and growing,
most of the senior officers of the companies were engineers.
Technical development was the central issue. More recently,
however, as utilities face greater litigation, government
regulation, and controversy over nuclear power, lawyers are
predominant in the leadership of most companies. This example
serves to emphasize that “subunits could inherit and lose power,
not necessarily by their own actions, but by the shifting
contingencies in the environment confronting the
To better understand how this process works, consider the model
shown in
Exhibit 13.8. This diagram suggests that three factors
influence the ability of one subunit (called A) over another
(called B). Basically, it is argued that subunit power is
influenced by (1) A’s ability to help B cope with uncertainty, (2)
the degree to which A offers the only source of the required
resource for B, and (3) the extent to which A’s contributions are
central to organizational success. Let us consider each of these
Exhibit 13.8 A Strategic Contingencies Model of Subunit Power
(Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC
BY-NC-SA 4.0 license)
Ability to Cope with Uncertainty. According to advocates of the
strategic contingencies model of power, the primary source of
subunit power is the unit’s ability to help other units cope with
uncertainty. In other words, if our group can help your group
reduce the uncertainties associated with your job, then our group
has power over your group. As Hickson and his colleagues put
Uncertainty itself does not give power; coping gives power. If
organizations allocate to their various subunits task areas that
vary in uncertainty, then those subunits that cope most effectively
with the most uncertainty should have most power within the
organization, since coping by a subunit reduces the impact of
uncertainty on other activities in the organization, a shock
absorber function.26
As shown in
Exhibit 13.8 above, three primary types of coping activity
relating to uncertainty reduction can be identified. To begin, some
uncertainty can be reduced through steps by one subunit to prevent
or forestall uncertainty for the other subunit. For example, if the
purchasing group can guarantee a continued source of parts for the
manufacturing group, it gains some power over manufacturing by
forestalling possible uncertainty surrounding production schedules.
Second, a subunit’s ability to cope with uncertainty is influenced
by its capacity to provide or collect information. Such information
can forewarn of probable disruptions or problems, so corrective
action can be taken promptly. Many business firms use various
forecasting techniques to predict sales, economic conditions, and
so forth. The third mechanism for coping with uncertainty is the
unit’s ability to absorb pressures that actually impact the
organization. For instance, if one manufacturing facility runs low
on raw materials and a second facility can supply it with needed
materials, this second facility effectively reduces some of the
uncertainty of the first facility—and in the process gains
influence over it.
In short, subunit A gains power over B subunit if it can help B
cope with the contingencies and uncertainties facing it. The more
dependent B is upon A to ensure the smooth functioning of the unit,
the more power A has over B.
Nonsubstitutability of Coping Activities. Substitutability is
the capacity for one subunit to seek needed resources from
alternate sources. Two factors influence the extent to which
substitutability is available to a subunit. First, the availability
of alternatives must be considered. If a subunit can get the job
done using different products or processes, it is less susceptible
to influence. In the IBM-compatible personal computer market, for
example, there are so many vendors that no one can control the
market. On the other hand, if a company is committed to a Macintosh
and iPad computing environment, only one vendor (Apple Computer) is
available, which increases Apple’s control over the
Second, the replaceability of personnel is important. A major
reason for the power of staff specialists (personnel managers,
purchasing agents, etc.) is that they possess expertise in a
specialized area of value to the organization. Consider also a
reason for closed-shop union contracts: they effectively reduce the
replaceability of workers.
Thus, a second influence on the extent of subunit power is the
extent to which subunit A provides goods or services to B for which
there are no (or only a few) substitutes. In this way, B needs A in
order to accomplish subunit objectives.
Centrality of Coping Activities. Finally, one must consider the
extent to which a subunit is of central importance to the
operations of the enterprise. This is called the subunit’s work
centrality. The more interconnected subunit A is with other
subunits in the organization, the more “central” it is. This
centrality, in turn, is influenced by two factors. The first is
workflow pervasiveness—the degree to which the actual work of one
subunit is connected with the work of the subunits. If subunit B
cannot complete its own tasks without the help of the work
activities of subunit A, then A has power over B. An example of
this is an assembly line, where units toward the end of the line
are highly dependent upon units at the beginning of the line for
The second factor, workflow immediacy, relates to the speed and
severity with which the work of one subunit affects the final
outputs of the organization. For instance, companies that prefer to
keep low inventories of raw materials (perhaps for tax purposes)
are, in effect, giving their outside suppliers greater power than
those companies that keep large reserves of raw materials.
When taken as a whole, then, the strategic contingency model of
intergroup power suggests that subunit power is influenced when one
subunit can help another unit reduce or cope with its uncertainty,
the subunit is difficult to replace, or the subunit is central to
continued operations. The more these three conditions prevail, the
more power will become vested in the subunit. Even so, it should be
recognized that the power of one subunit or group can shift over
time. As noted by Hickson and his colleagues, “As the goals,
outputs, technologies, and markets of organizations change, so, for
each subunit, the values of the independent variables [such as
coping with uncertainty, nonsubstitutability, and centrality]
change, and the patterns of power change.”27
In other words, the strategic contingency model suggested here is a
dynamic one that is subject to change over time as various subunits
and groups negotiate, bargain, and compromise with one another in
an effort to secure a more favorable position in the organizational
power structure.
Managerial Leadership
The Politics of Innovation
A good example of the strategic contingencies approach to the
study of power and politics can be seen in a consideration of
organizational innovation. It has long been recognized that it is
easier to invent something new from outside an organization than to
innovate within an existing company. As a result, a
disproportionate share of new products originates from small
businesses and entrepreneurs, not the major corporations with all
the resources to innovate. Why? Much of the answer can be found in
When a person or group has a new idea for a product or service,
it is often met with a barrage of resistance from different sectors
of the company. These efforts are motivated by the famous
“not-invented-here syndrome,” the tendency of competing groups to
fight over turf, and the inclination to criticize and destroy any
new proposal that threatens to change the status quo. Other groups
within the company simply see little reason to be supportive of the
This lack of support—indeed, hostility—occurs largely because
within every company there is competition for resources. These
resources can include money, power, and opportunities for
promotion. As one consultant noted, “One person’s innovation is
another person’s failure.” As a result, there is often considerable
fear and little incentive for one strategic group within a company
to cooperate with another. Because both groups usually need each
other for success, nothing happens. To the extent that politics
could be removed from such issues, far more energy would be
available to capitalize on an innovative idea and get it to market
before the competition.
Sources: M. Z. Taylor, The Politics of Innovation, (New York:
Oxford University Press), 2017; B. Godin, “The Politics of
Innovation: Why Some Countries Are Better Than Others at Science
and Technology by Mark Zachary Taylor (review),” Technology and
Culture, April 2018; W. Kiechel, “The Politics of Innovation,”
Fortune, April 11, 1988, p. 131.
Concept Check
What is politics and political behavior in organizations?